Top 5 Complications After Heart Valve Surgery with Dr. Joanna Chikwe

Complications after heart valve surgery can be confusing, scary and frustrating for patients.

To learn about the most common post-operative complications after heart valve surgery, we interviewed Dr. Joanna Chikwe, the Chair of Cardiac Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.

In this special video, Dr. Chikwe identifies five common complications after heart surgery. Then, Dr. Chikwe provides critical insights about the medical treatments for each type of post-operative complication.

Key questions addressed by Dr. Chikwe in this video include:

1. Is it common for a heart valve surgery patient to experience complications following heart surgery?

2. Do patients struggle with atrial fibrillation (AFib), an irregular heartbeat, after heart surgery? How can medications and cardioversions (electrical shocks) be used to treat AFib?

3. How can fluid overload impact the patient’s recovery from heart surgery? What can patients do to monitor fluid overload and weight gain?

4. What are the latest approaches for managing pain after heart surgery? How can pain be impacted by sternotomy, minimally-invasive techniques, chest tubes, narcotics and Tylenol?

5. Are patient concerns about stroke after heart surgery warranted? Is stroke common after heart valve surgery?

6. If a heart valve replacement or heart valve repair fails, what can be done to re-replace or re-repair a defective valve?

To learn more or contact Dr. Joanna Chikwe for an appointment or second opinion, please call (866) 345-1289 or visit


I sent the attached video on Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) to one of our members who is currently in hospital, and facing replacement of an organic valve that was only put in about 8 years ago. It is always quite daunting when confronted with such a decision and when you now have to decide ‘do I go with another organic valve, or choose a longer-lasting mechanical valve?’ I really empathized with the member, on that decision. I hope that any who have had AVR, needing to consider AVR or are just interested in what AVR is, will find this video informative and helpful. – Trent Lash